
I have tried to put a Header on my Forum (vB 3) to no avail - I am wondering whether anybody knows what may be wrong or what I need to do. Specifically really David!

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 href="[url="http://www.playfordnet.com/Greathanc/showthread.php?p=7#post7"]http://www.playfordnet.com/Greathanc/showthread.php?p=7#post7[/url]" style='width:137.25pt;
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Click Here!"/>
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href="[url="http://www.playfordnet.com/Greathanc/showthread.php?p=7#post7"]http://www.playfordnet.com/Greathanc/showthread.php?p=7#post7[/url]" title=""></map><img
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Click Here!" v:shapes="_x0000_s1026"></span><![endif]></div>
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  v-text-kern:t' trim="t" fitpath="t" string="Welcome to
Greathanc Forums!"/>
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src="bar7_files/image002.gif" alt="Welcome to
Greathanc Forums!"
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That is the code I am trying to put in - I know where it goes and I know what it looks like; the problem is that nothing but the flags come up on this and I did want all of the page to come up! As it should.
Well most of it is not HTML. That is your problem, you need just HTML code. It looks like you have XML or something there.
That woudl probably answer it - I used Frontpage 2003 to make it and I used Layers in making it look right. I'll try and do it without Layers.
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