Curious of what you may think.

Wouldn't be too bad, but there's a few main things you need to sort out:

- That background makes the text very hard to read in places. Either turn transparency off on the white text backing, or turn it right down (it's fine at the far left, you could keep it at that setting all the way along.)
- That Google ad sticks out like a sore thumb, it either needs to go or it needs to be incorporated into the design better!
- Perhaps most importantly, you say you're open for business but the site's got next to nothing on it! You need far more than just a phone number if you're serious about selling your services - and as always on these sorts of sites I seriously doubt whether your business model is viable at all in this day and age. That's for another discussion though. To even generate a remote chance of people checking you out, you need to have much more on there, preferably with examples of previous work, a definitive pricing system and online booking. No-one's just going to ring a phone number and ask...
- The clock is really unnecessary, and if you have the web page open for more than a minute it'll be out of date anyway since it's not Javascript based. Dynamic clocks are good on major news sites or time sites that people trust as a reputable source for obtaining the time. Everywhere else they tend to be a bad thing rather than a good thing, and a static clock is always a bad thing - wherever it is.
- Congratulations on the valid HTML and CSS. It's a design principle I think many more should adhere to. However, think about your target audience here. Are they REALLY going to know what they mean, let alone appreciate them? These days you should really be developing to XHTML standards anyway, HTML 4 is long gone...
- The background image seems quite large, can you compress it down a bit? Fine on a fast connection, if you get someone come long with a slower one they'll get fed up of waiting
- I must admit I'm not the biggest fan of the font - I appreciate you want something different, but that does cross the line of being difficult to read to me.

Hope that's given you something to chew over :)
Thank you berry for your input. I agree with nearly everything you have said... Though the reason there is so little is cause over the last couple months I had surgery and also got hurt at work, so it has caused for a lot of catch up to do... It is almost a miracle we even met the deadline for having it up by the first lol...
I have had thoughts on what to do with that section, either take off the occupancy of the white section, or maybe just narrow it down a bit, as for the add, currently it is there more for something to use as a place marker as to how we want to set up ads or if we decide we really want ads...
As for the legitimacy of the business, yes, everything is legit... Again as I said due to medical conditions we have unfortunately had to sacrifice quiet a bit... But the good news is... I don't have cancer lmao... Or at least none have been found...
Yes as for the clock, it is more of a fyi type of thing then anything... I have though already considered taking it out... For the validation, yes I agree more people should adhere to it, and yes html 4.0 is outdated, but I wanted to keep it congruent to at least some set of standards, being the fact that we are very far behind... And with dynamic websites, the easiest to validate in, is html 4.0...
Though again, thank you for your input... I hope when we have everything finished you would take another look at it...
And with dynamic websites, the easiest to validate in, is html 4.0...
You might want to check your facts on that one ;)

Sorry to hear that you've had to have surgery. However, if this is the case I'd seriously recommend altering the deadline somewhat, there's not much point adhering to them if there's not much there!
Well berry, I checked my facts, I was neither right, nor wrong lol... Though I have decided to take your advice and go with xhtml1. We have also re-designed our layout, though currently I still have tweaking that needs to be done for the new new one, and a lot more stuff is going to be added soon as well. Thank your for your feed back. If you have any more I would really appreciate it lol...
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