Command Prompt Commands


Baseband Member
Does anyone know any cool commands that can be used in the command prompt of Windows XP. Post them here.
Yeah, if you have a network, go into command promp and type (net send) (Ip Address Of cOmputer) (Message) without the ()
Well, I don't know how cool these are, but:

del *.* (DONT USE THAT ;))
cls (clears screen)
cd {path} (changes the cmd dir to whatever path you enter)
chkdsk (checkdisk; checks the volume for errors (on next startup)
unformat {drive}: (unformats a formatted drive)
shutdown -{letter} (there are a lot of different things you can put in, but my favorits are -s (shutdown), -r (restart), -l (logoff), -a (abort shutdown) and more :))
ren OR rename {drive:}{path}{dir | filename} {renameddir | renamedfilename}\

There are a whole lot more, and I don't have the time to list them. You can search google for more :)

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