Well I was wondering....

Well uhhhmmmm I was just wondering. Just because we are physically stronger doesn't mean we are dominent. And how can it be surivial of the fittest in this case when one cannot survive without the other?? I know it sounds like Harry Potter 5 but it's true.
Well it's not that bad where I live... Women get paid the same as men (depending on occupation and rank), It is actually illegal to pay someone less or not hire them because of gender or ethnic reasons, It's called discrimination.
HRHunteRHR said:
Well I am bored of course, and I was listening to this song called "Keep Your Head Up". Well Tupac raps about how women in the ghetto and pretty much just women in particular have to deal with men treating them like crap..... I mean seriously, I have known about that for a long time, the average male makes more than a women, regardless of the job and position. WTF?? I mean think about that. A woman makes LESS than a man, just because she's a women! I mean, if life wasn't already fracked up, not matter what color your skin is, if you're a women, you are probobly going to be payed less just because of who you are! A woman can't help being a woman. Women get raped like 24/7, they are used a sex objects, and viewed by us guys as sex objects. I mean what teh fux0rs??? Seriously, now think about all the women raising children by themselves because their husband ditched them AND the kid(s). Not only is the woman raising kids, but she makes less, and she is treated like crap because of who she is, and she can't help that! ALl she can do is hope that her children have a better life than she had. All women are beautiful, I think it's just that we men are too blind to see that. All we see is her curvy body, and the way her ass moves when she walks.... I dunno, I was just wondering why this crap is still going on. I mean, you'd think people would realize what's going on and put a stop to it. I know women have tried, even some men, but STILL no changes??? What's going on here?? I'm not gay or anything. I'm not "fed up with love" or anything like that.... I was just wondering, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?

Well if you read it all, thanks.

- Hunter

But its also easyer said than done...

And as arrix? said
Its not a perfect world, far from it...but its out world now..
You CAN make a diffrence...no matter how little it is,

Ever seen or heard about the movie "Pay it forward"...

But its not always like that now, times have changed maybe not 'everything' but alot of it has, from the 1970's or what have you when the women were expected to be stay at home mums all the time and clean and cook... while the male roll was to work....thats so stupid!!!....... :rolleyes:

****News Flash****

Did you know its also called discrimination to put down and all, aganist gays?
They also have an equal right too!
Yeah bet 'chu didnt know that!

Edit..ahhh.. a double post sorry!
HRHunteRHR said:
And I'm not preaching to make a perfect world, but this is soemthing that can be easily corrected.

You can't "easily" fix this. Everyone has their own opinions, anyone can think of whatever they want however they want to. I may say, "Well she's hot." Then someone else may say, "She's ugly." You can't change what everyone thinks just because you don't agree with something.

I mean someone could very easily turn the agruement around and say somethign about you, entirly based off of their opinion and then say that your opinion could easily change. (If you followed that then hats off to you because it's hard to follow! :D )

And in no way am I starting an agruement with anyone in here. I'm saying everyone is entitked to their own opinions, wether someone is oppressed or not, they can still think freely to themselves and form their own opinions about any given subject at relativly any given time. That's how the mind works, it interperets(sp?) everything based off of experiences a person has had and what a person has seen or done relavent to that situation.

For instance one person can say Murder is just a natural way of balancing out population, others who have actually experienced it would say it is a horrible thing. Both opinions are formed off of experiences and of ones own thought.

Good arguement though, and I do agree in most of what you are saying. But you can't change what peopel do or how they think just simply because you do not agree. That in itself is wrong. See, that right there was just an opinion, some may agree, while others may not. It's all relavent to how they interperate it and what experiences or actions they have had relavent to that given statement.

All and all, you can't just say a person, regardless of sex, skin color, religion, or anythign else is wrong without giving your own opinion. :)
1337DuD3 said:
You can't "easily" fix this. Everyone has their own opinions, anyone can think of whatever they want however they want to. I may say, "Well she's hot." Then someone else may say, "She's ugly." You can't change what everyone thinks just because you don't agree with something.

I mean someone could very easily turn the agruement around and say somethign about you, entirly based off of their opinion and then say that your opinion could easily change. (If you followed that then hats off to you because it's hard to follow! :D )

And in no way am I starting an agruement with anyone in here. I'm saying everyone is entitked to their own opinions, wether someone is oppressed or not, they can still think freely to themselves and form their own opinions about any given subject at relativly any given time. That's how the mind works, it interperets(sp?) everything based off of experiences a person has had and what a person has seen or done relavent to that situation.

For instance one person can say Murder is just a natural way of balancing out population, others who have actually experienced it would say it is a horrible thing. Both opinions are formed off of experiences and of ones own thought.

Good arguement though, and I do agree in most of what you are saying. But you can't change what peopel do or how they think just simply because you do not agree. That in itself is wrong. See, that right there was just an opinion, some may agree, while others may not. It's all relavent to how they interperate it and what experiences or actions they have had relavent to that given statement.

All and all, you can't just say a person, regardless of sex, skin color, religion, or anythign else is wrong without giving your own opinion. :)

I'm not saying there wrong.... Maybe you misunderstood what I said? I'm saying all you have to do is stop descriminating women. That doesn't mean you can't say they're ugly or hot, that means give them the same pay as men, and give them the same rights as men. I don't care about your personal oppinions as in "shes hott or shes ugly", I mean that they should be treated with the same respect as men, which they're not. If them being treated with the same respect as men is a personal oppinion, it's gone wayyy too far.
HRHunteRHR said:
I'm not saying there wrong.... Maybe you misunderstood what I said? I'm saying all you have to do is stop descriminating women. That doesn't mean you can't say they're ugly or hot, that means give them the same pay as men, and give them the same rights as men. I don't care about your personal oppinions as in "shes hott or shes ugly", I mean that they should be treated with the same respect as men, which they're not. If them being treated with the same respect as men is a personal oppinion, it's gone wayyy too far.

I concur. Everyone is entitled to the same respect, the same pay (by that I mean if a woman is doing the same job as a man, or vise versa), and just the same quality of life as anyone else.

Also, I wasn't directly targeting you in my previous post, but rather everyone. Just thought I'd say that. :)
i dont understand what you are on about but ill have a shot:
Perfect world wouldnt work .. yes wed all have ferris yes wed all have the same work yes wed all get paid he same ... but there is alway evy not every1 is happy .... people have tried so hard to make everyone equal, but there is alway a smile or a woman t obe jellous of ..... yes i sound a comniust, but ever seen the film enmy at the gates it just wont work
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