

Daemon Poster
Ummm what is thanksgiving?

something like christmas? but then people in america celebrate christmas too??!?

we dont have anything like thanksgiving here is australia.
pilgrams gave is turkey as a treaty or something.. hell i dont remember, i havent studied that stuff since second grade.. and for the record, i dont get fat off turkey, its all about the mashed potatoes, lol..
Thanksgiving started because the indians helped the pilgrims gather enough food and supplies for the winter, and they had a celebration/feast to give thanks for what they had.
lol funny you should ask that Natalya i was thinking the same thing today, i saw some tv show on i think it was E.T we get in Australia and they where of course giving recipes for thanksgiving.
I even asked my mum what the heck is thanksgiving and she didnt even know...duh 'rents are 'spose' to be smart and know everything :confused:

I thought it was like x-mas or something americans have werid hoils and all!
I don't even remember the specifics, been so damn long since I studied it.
All I know now, is it's a day to get fat off of food.
So much cooking happens here.. the temperature inside will be around 30F higher than it would be otherwise.
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