Teaching my Class! Booya! (Wanna help?)


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In my english class for some reason we're all teaching out class something for 25 minutes. My groups topic is computers (go us) and We're going to teach them to build their own computer.

But we need some more questions for the worksheet too. Any ideas?

So far these are our questions. (We tell them these facts during presentation too)

What is a Computer Monitors Function?
What is the function of a keyboard?
What is the one major difference in Macintoshes and PCs?
What is the best processor on the Market as of today?
T/F: Super Computers were faster than todays standard personal computers ?
Why is the power button for all electronic equipment a O and a |?
How Much Data does a DVD hold?
What type of cables do drives use?
And What is the standard configuration for motherboards in most towers?

Any more would be great, We need 20-30
Something about Linux :cool:

And if you need a good question about a something on macs that you don't know, you can PM me, I love macs :D

Lol you can put something in about upcomming Blue-Ray disks
something to do with security
ex: encryption, viruses, spyware
or somethin bout bioses :D thatll be a beoch
Sounds cool. I like the idea of the one about super computers (Some non geeks may be a little board!), can you post your research?
Paradox said:
What is the best processor on the Market as of today?

Hmm, there's no right answer to that. It all boils down to personal opinion and a lot of internal intricacies that many wouldn't understand.

How about:

1) What does RAM do?
2) What does OS stand for?
3) Different GFX technology e.g. AGP vs PCI-E etc.
4) How a hard drive is arranged (platters, sectors etc.)
5) Main functions of an OS
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