Interesting Chart

This report was generated 05/20/2007 based on the last 31,612,302 unique visits to 4,517 websites. The last 25,000 page views to each website are analyzed to identify unique visits. Some visits may occur before the month of the report.

so its not of every single website or even half , thats not actually a lot of websites
It may be becuase IE7 is quite recent, and not everyone has downloaded the update yet.
I hate IE7, it came w. my vista.

The only thing I used that for was to dl Firefox lol
I actually like IE7. I will say it needs some work, it's a bit unstable at times but firefox seems to handle multiple tabs better, with IE7 if I have more than 5 or 6 tabs open it seems to get buggy. Also I wish MS would allow themes in IE7 like firefox does.
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