Hi I'm an iPhone. And I'm a Smartphone.

ha that is good , kind of like the mac, windows adverts except the other way round , now apple know how it feels
Iphone is basically a 600 dollar 3gig ipod in a PDA the way I see it. I think it's alright looking and the fact it runs mac OS X is cool, but I'll use the 600 dollars and go buy a mac desktop. If I want a gadget like that I'll just get a decent smartphone. I don't see how anyone is gonna pay 600 dollars for this thing, but oh well.
i wonder if apple will make dumb ass commercials for the iPhone like they did with the macs, the actors will probably be snobby rich kids with more money then they know what to do with :rolleyes:
There will be next to none of these bought, especially when people find out its 3GB, because I've heard kids talk about they're ipods at school and stuff and all they know really is the more gigabytes they have the better so I doubt anyone will buy them...
one of my friends is actually going to buy one. i'm not really interested, i mean there pretty hot shit but the price is ridiculous.
^Ya they definatley look cool, but the practicality sucks, I'de rather get a Windows mobile phone or something like that instead.
I think for 600 bucks it should have a 30GB hard drive instead of 3GB. They're not going to sell many of these, I can foresee a flop in the iphone. The price is too high and it's impractical. It's not exactly small either. If there was a device like this with 30GB or more, it would definitely sell but 3GB? come on get serious! We've got computers with more RAM than that thing has hard drive space, at least make a decent sized hard drive and don't overprice. The only people I can see buying this are snobby rich kids whose mommy's and daddy's spoil them to no end.
Iphone just another expense for an expensive cellular phone. I will not supports steve jobs any more than I have to
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