Help with Gimp lasso tool


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I love editing pictures in Gimp, my biggest problem is getting the lasso tool to make clean cuts, I have heard everyone simply say to be more patient and make more points when cutting something out but is there any filters that smooth a selection out. I find that alot of my images are pixalated on the edges, or have sharp points all over. AntiAliasing does not work, and I would love to have something that smooths over my edges or and tips so that I can get prettier cuts out of shops. Anyways thanks again.
Zoom way in and then make more points with the lasso tool, it'll look a lot smoother when you zoom out. I assume you are cutting something out? I prefer to use the eraser tool to erase the parts of the image I don't want, again, zoom in and use a small brush and take your time.
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