Great Great Gandparnets Ironic death stories.


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Ok my great great grandpa died at the age of about 45

He was in two world wars. He fought in WW1 on the frontline as a foot solider. In WW2 at the age of 36 he joined the army again to fight cause he needed the money. He was in the army until 1945 when Germany gave up (he was on the german side) well him and the remaining of his company found some liqour. They were drinking on a 4 story building with a balcony. He fell

Ironic part: Survices two world wars, does it on the frontline, even had his tank hit too. ANd dies because he was to drunka nd feel off of a balancoy.

My grandma lived a bit longer gee idk like a lil bit over twice as long. She was 101 in GOOD HEALTH. She had her senses and all. She even cleaned her house. Well she kept some important family items in a big chest. Now remember this woman has survied on the commusit side of germany, faced two world wars in her face. And she died cleaning her house. She opend up the chest put her wooden block to hold it open well she cleaned it. It slipped hit her arm. She didn't think nothing of it. SO she went to bed to rest it off. It formed a blot clot and she died. I heard the docs said she was pretty healthy for her age and natural causes would of killed her in around 5 to 6 years. Oldest person in germany on record was a 103. 3 more years and she would of been hte oldest person to ever live in germany kinda ironic.

I just found out all this. Same thing is happening to my great grandma who is still going strong at 85. She still walks the mile to and from the bakery every morning to get breakfast.
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