"Ancient Cash" Chinese translation XD


Daemon Poster

I know it's a bit fuzzy and of low quality, and I'm sorry. Here's what it says. I'll skip a line between what appears to be paragraphs. Note that I typed it word for word, letter for letter, and re-examined it twice. All typos were already there, with the exception of possibly a few spacing errors on my part.

Ancient cash is the currcency using in all dynasty of China, its history should be find out as least from form and3 dynasty.

Bronze Cowire of Chu 278B, C. was used as currency for a very long period, During the goods exchange perinods, the diffenr valuse between two exchanged goods was discovered so that the minor currency(decorations) was used for adjustment, So Bronze Cowire, was treated as the goods exchange media for its was one of the common decorations. It had been circulated for a long time before Chou dynasty(1122 - 225B.C.)

From Chou dynasty, the farm tools' Hollow handle Spade Money and 'Knife Money' were used as currency. With the more pecpular of Knife Money, words were added on them so variouskind of knife Money were come out.

The 'First Emperor' shih Huang ti of Ch' in(221 - 209B.C.) issued the copper coinage Pan- liang Haif and ounce' that was befining ofround money with square hole at center, which that shape of money had been circulated about two. thousand year It. also affect Japan, Corea and Annam countries to use China currency as their money.

The Ancient Cash' can be said from the Period of Bronze Cowire of Chu 278.C. to the round money with square hole of the later Ching dynasty.

Oh my goodness. :rolleyes: I can't expect them do know English perfectly, but DANG.

edit: yeah, I forgot to scan the Chinese part, but just so you know, this was for a set of Chinese coins.
It's not too too bad, although i don't know how you actually get a number 3 while translating the word 'and'.
Charchris said:
Where is that from?

Something my dad bought from a Chinese restaurant. It has a bunch of coins on the front, that's just some random sheet of paper they threw in with it. I guess they wanted to share their history of currency with us. It was like $2...the coins are EDIT: :p *virtually* worthless. (didn't want to bump it, alvino)
THEpiGUY said:
Something my dad bought from a Chinese restaurant. It has a bunch of coins on the front, that's just some random sheet of paper they threw in with it. I guess they wanted to share their history of currency with us. It was like $2...the coins are worthless.

Well just because they were bought for $2 doesn't make it worthless...
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