ahah wtf



but seriously, my friends cousin used to do that when he was young, now he does security work for band companies and the government.
joxley1990 said:
Alot of these hackers turn into security consultants you know, on very good money!

the sad irony about that is they know it the best. it takes a hacker to know how to best defend one from being hacked.
TRDCorolla said:
That's why here at the university, they offer classes on ethical hacking, hehe.
Ethical hacking, what the hell's that???, how can hacking be ethical? explanation please!! :(
ethical hacking is used to learn to protect your own servers, by trying to hack them yourself so u can protect them better.
^Mike^ said:
Stupid little kids need to be worked over a bit.
yeah exactly , if they have a talent then there are far better ways to show people than hacking somebodys forum , if they had a forum and it got hacked i wonder how they would feel

thats like somebody having a talent for shooting going out on a killing spree with their gun , i doubt people would say omg look at little johnny dosent he have real talent we should enter him into a shooting contest
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