PHP Content:type:


In Runtime
Hey guys,

I am writing a php webpage that will create a batch file for the user to download and run automatically.

I already have the page done to write to the batch file, and that is running great. I however, am running into a little bit of a problem with prompting the user to download the batch file.

Here is what I have so far for the page that makes them download the file.
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=rungame.bat');
header('Content-type: application/pdf');

This will have the user prompted to download the file, but does not give them the option to "OPEN" the file. Are there any Content-types that I can use that will give them the ability to choose to "OPEN" the file, and not just "SAVE" the file?

Or does anyone know of a list of acceptable Content-types?

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