do the ISP's tell you how many internal IP addresses you can have?


Baseband Member
Do ISP's make that decision or is it up to the admins? Could you use class A IP addresses if you wanted to internally? How does that work? Any input works. Thanks.
How you set up your internal network is up to you. Your ISP provide the line and the router's public IP - and that's their point of demarcation.

If you set up your internal network in class A (10.x.y.z) you can have exponentially more hosts (16,777,216 or 2^24) because you sacrifice subnets for host bits. Class C network addressing limits you to 254 hosts per subnet, but gives a higher number of subnets with 254 hosts per subnet. Your ISP can't control how you set up your network internally, unless it specifically says so in your service agreement.
you can also supernet class C subnets if you need more than 256 addresses.
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