veRy stRange R button on keyboaRd


Baseband Member
ok so i am having a pRoblem with my macbook keyboaRd that eveRY time i pREss R it is a capital. sometimes when i pREss anotheR letteR afteR R quick enough it is also a capital. when i hold down the left shift button to make a letteR a capital it puts in a R?

can any one help me and let me know what the pRoblem might be? this is dRIving me cRazy
i tested it out by useing a usb keyboard and the keyboard is working fine? i am not sure if the R and shift button are just faulty?

Is it even possible for the left shift to input a R through some technical malfunction? i think it may be a virus tho because the R can be put back to lowercase if i put on CAPS???

how can i fix this?
i eRased the hdd and REinstalled windows 7 and its still doing it. i have basically come to the conclusion that its the keyboaRd itself and not a bug.

when i tuRN caps on the R goes back to lowercase. when i use it byitself its always capital. when i try to use the left shift to make it lower case it just puts in a capital R also. there aRe some other stRAnge key things happening also but the R is the woRSt.

i logged into mac os 10 and it does it on it also. the only way it couldent be a haRdwaRe pRoblem is if its in the bios? how can i clean the bios and see if this fixes it?

please help!
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