Is This Laptop Better Than My Current Laptop?

*= WildCat =* said:
Good idea to shop around, the price of RAM has come down a lot recently

Yes I bet I could find a great bargain, I should be getting the laptop and other tower tomorrow or Thursday..
Well it has ddr2 ram and that's kinda outdated now I'm not sure

Also DDR2 ram isn't that bad, It may have that type of ram but still it is a very good laptop, Its better than my current laptop that struggles to open webpages that heavily rely on flash player and things like that..
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So I got the laptop today and its works, Spacebar key is missing so I will have to track down a replacement, The specs are:


CPU: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.10 GHz
HDD: 320GB
1GB Dedicated GPU
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium
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I emailed yesterday and am waiting to hear back, Otherwise I will buy a $15 one off eBay with free post and just rip the key I need off there, I don't need a whole new keyboard just a space bar key..

So today I rang up and I was told that I have to buy a whole new keyboard as they won't give me a single key, eBay here I come!!
It won't be used for really new games like COD, I plan on playing Sims 2 and 3, It will be also used for college assignments, I will also have to look into upgrading ram for it..

I wouldn't say it would do great with sims 3 especially if you have all of the expansion packs.

The new laptop though is better except, as everyone else has said, Vista

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