How easy is it to add USB ports after sale?


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hey guys
if you have see my other post,you kow my computer is fairly expensive and I won't be able to afford putitng an extra USB port (or 2) in but how easy is it to do after sale, when i save some money up. Is it a ram issue (nice and easy to install) or something you need to have done professionally?
well its easy actually all you do is fit it into a spear pci slot and then connect the cables inside. or if you want them on the front they re more expensive and its harder
you can add a usb card to your p.c easily. they don't cost too much either. just slot it into your pci slot, (can only go one way) and install drivers.or xp might do it for you.
if you paid a lot for your p.c, you should have a pile of usb ports already in it.
yeh it would only be if i get a digi camera and on the back would be find
Yup, I can have up to 10 USB on mine. I'll never use that much. The ones on the front of the case makes it convenient, especially for that thumb drive or digital camera. USB PCI slots are good, or you can always get external USB hubs.
sweet as
i shall be USB champion of the world with 30 active usb ports ha ha muhahahahahahahaha
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