Android Based Tablets...


Solid State Member
Im getting my wife a tablet for christmas, and I was hoping black friday had a few good deals. Before that hits though, these are my few requirements-
1)SD/MiniSD slot (figure ill just get miniSD but that will be good enough)
2)HDMI output (preferably in 720/1080p if possible)
3)Play avi/divx files

Power does not matter, as watching videos on it will be the main priority
The first 2 are pretty simple and self explanatory. The third one im concerned about. When i compare different ones
This one...
actually lists avi as a file type it can play (I dont see an hdmi output though)

This one
does have an hdmi output, but it doesnt list avi files as a type that can be played.

So will pretty much any of them be able to play avi/divx files if I have the proper app for it? I have been assuming the files listed as compatable are just with the apps preinstalled, and extra apps would add to the compatibility, but I know nothing of tablets.

ps... another question, is related to flash. Can all tablets play flash, or at last get an app that allows them to play flash?
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