Help needed with website


Beta member
Okay, so I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to website design and have used a template as my base and tried to adapt it to what I want. I now have a problem with the menu and hope someone here can help...

I don't have any fla files.

I have the following xml files:

these have their corresponding swf files and they all seem to link.

the scroller is used as the About menu option and has the following xml code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<content width="590" height="300" xPos="center" yPos="center" cssFile="css/scroller.css">
<![CDATA[<font color="#ffffff" size="50"><b>About Us</b></font><br /><br /><font color="#FFFFFF" size="18">This is a dynamic <font color="#FFFF33">HTML</font> formatted content.</font><br /><br />All content in this window can be editted via a single <b><i>XML file</i></b>. You can format text using standard HTML tags such as the colour and size of text and also <b>bold</b> <i>italics</i> and <u>underline</u> styles. In the XML you can also define the width and height of this content window and also the border size. <br /><br />You can also add <a href="" target="_blank">hyperlinks</a> to link to external pages its format can be modified from CSS.<br /><br /><img src="images/about/image.png" hspace="0" /><br /><font color="#ffffff" size="20">You can also insert images.</font><br /><br />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras lacus ipsum, tempus ac, auctor sed, tempus id, lectus. Proin laoreet pharetra risus. Nullam fringilla faucibus nisi. Mauris porttitor convallis elit. Sed sit amet purus sit amet leo euismod sagittis. Quisque vitae elit nec turpis hendrerit facilisis. Phasellus hendrerit vehicula enim. Vestibulum facilisis sagittis diam. Proin non dolor vel nibh suscipit cursus. Maecenas hendrerit quam vel dolor.<br /><br /><br />Ut diam. Mauris nisi leo, laoreet a, mollis nec, aliquam eu, nunc. In adipiscing, sapien vulputate pellentesque mollis, pede metus pulvinar nibh, et egestas dolor leo non ligula. Fusce eu arcu. Fusce ac mi. Morbi pharetra. Ut adipiscing venenatis nibh. Nullam hendrerit mauris at quam. Nulla nunc odio, varius non, fermentum ut, suscipit sed, pede.
<font color="#ffffff" size="20">SWF Usage Sample</font>
<p><img src="images/about/swfsample.swf" width="560" height="80" hspace="0" /></p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Nulla quis augue. Sed at enim. Maecenas venenatis, pede eu tempus ornare, dolor odio facilisis est, vitae convallis eros diam eget neque. Nulla sapien nisl, lobortis et, tempor eu, ullamcorper sit amet, enim. Mauris ut mauris. Nunc et lacus. Nullam porta ultrices quam. Morbi tincidunt. Duis a lorem non turpis eleifend faucibus. Cras dignissim massa sed orci. Fusce interdum felis non metus. Proin dapibus augue et magna. Ut commodo nisi vitae urna. Duis risus sapien, gravida ut, aliquam eget, semper et, libero. Ut pharetra sodales libero.
Donec tristique, metus ut aliquam lacinia, arcu est sodales nunc, et tincidunt augue nulla sed dolor. Phasellus ultrices purus quis nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut felis. Duis laoreet pharetra ipsum. Vestibulum ut lectus in lectus aliquam pulvinar. Vestibulum massa. Cras sagittis adipiscing magna. Duis dolor. Donec quis nibh id lorem adipiscing porta. Ut at nisi aliquam lacus imperdiet consequat. Morbi augue risus, volutpat vel, venenatis non, viverra ut, nisl. Sed augue dolor, porttitor id, dapibus quis, pulvinar at, quam. Phasellus imperdiet.]]>

The content manager has this xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item src="imagerotator.swf" adrs="/autumn-photos" subAdrs="true" />
<item src="imagerotator.swf" adrs="/life-style-photos" subAdrs="true" />
<item src="news.swf" adrs="/news" />
<item src="flvplayer.swf" adrs="/demo-reel" />
<item src="scroller.swf" adrs="/about" />
<item src="form.swf" adrs="/contact" />

The menu looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xPos="0" yPos="center"
buttonSpacing="1" scale="1.5" textPaddingLeft="5" textPaddingTop="3"
fontColor="#FFFFFF" fontColorOver="#000000"
bgColor="#000000" bgColorOver="#FFFFFF"


What I would like to do is use the scroller again two more times but for different menu options but when I duplicate the xml and swf and rename them, add the new items to the menu.xml I still get the scroller.xml contents displayed on screen.

Anyone know how I can fix this problem?

dont duplicate them, copy and paste the text in to new css then make ur changes, name and link them
Thanks CP You but I am still rather confused...

There is a scroller css file which I have duplicated and called scroller2. I have created a scroller2.xml file and in that pointed the css to the new scroller2.css but still when I open the menu item in preview I see the text from my original xml. There is nothing in the menu.xml that points to each menu item specifically.
This is most of the menu.xml...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xPos="0" yPos="center"
buttonSpacing="1" scale="1.5" textPaddingLeft="5" textPaddingTop="3"
fontColor="#FFFFFF" fontColorOver="#000000"
bgColor="#000000" bgColorOver="#FFFFFF"

<title>Family Gallery</title>
<thumb height="200" bgColor="#000000" alpha="0.8" spacing="15" saturation="true" xBlur="30" imageUpOnRollOver="true" maskUpOnRollOver="true">
<transition type="easeInOutExpo" time="1" />
<content hideOnStart="true" padding="5" bgColor="#1E1E1E" bgAlpha="1" titleColor="#FFFFFF" descriptionColor="#505050" />
<button padding="20" arrowColor="#FFFFFF" arrowColorOver="#00CCFF" arrowAlpha="0.6" />
padding="20" bgColor="#FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0.8"
titleColor="#000000" descriptionColor="#666666"

Any suggestions?
are you trying to use the duplicated scroller css again on the same webpage? are you making any changes to the scroller code after you duplicate it?
Same website but different page. I have an About page using the original scroller files and then I want a FAQ page using the duplicate ones.
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