WAMP server won't work outside of LAN!!! Help!


<VirtualHost *:80>

unless you have a spcific address mapped to a binding for the purpose of running multiple sites on the box, or you have multiple named biondings to the server.

also try having a document root and some directory configuration

DocumentRoot c:\www

<Directory c:\www\>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

just to put to bed some of the BS mentioned in this thread.
If you have dynamic IP I believe it's not possible
so never heard of no-ip or dyn-dns then? it's perfectly possible to host a website using dynamic DNS, (I've done this with every broadband connection I've ever had (for the past decade now) (always wamp or lamp a well).
Some providers may block port 80, but these are fairly rare, most do not block port 8080 (which is what the user here is trying to do).

I suppose you need extended IP for that

don't use DHCP, Set Reservations etc etc etc

Creating static reservations can be used to get around this.
or you can divide your network up.

as an example my network is divided up like so:
.1 - .10 networking equipment (routers, 2 wireless bridges 2 WAPs, network printer printer)
.11 - .50 DHCP server by router 1
.51 - .99 DHCP by another DHCP server. (because DHCP over WDS bridge doesn't work properly).
.100 onwards is for various servers and range to expand with other products.

basically, I think this.
you probably don't have 253 hosts on your network, (and lets face it you can always extend to a /23 or less it you do!) so why not reserve a block of addresses by limiting your scope rather than configuring reservations for each addresss.
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