Help! Connecting 64bit Vista to 32bit XP

I see...thanks for the visual. Trying it now.

Correction: My Sergeant is looking through the group policies to see if the Army put in any restrictions anywhere. I will try your suggestion when I get a chance.

Not advanced user management - I'm talking about the "Manage passwords" button which will then let you add authentication details for individual servers.

Ok...after we changed all of the XP group policy settings to mirror the Vista group policy settings we can now at least see the Vista computer from the XP computer but we cannot see the XP computer from the Vista computer.

I used the "Manage Passwords" button that you were talking about on the XP computer but when I type in \\ into Run I still get the permission error that is posted above.

We are making progress :) Thank You :)

We Found The Issue!!! In Group Policy under the User Rights Assignments on the Vista computer. The "Deny access to this computer from the network" had "Guests" and "Support" in them. Once we removed them from the Vista computer we are now able to access the files from the XP comptuer. Thank you very much Berry120. You have been a great help :) Thank you for your time and patience. +Reputation from me.
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