Favorite OS?


Baseband Member
Boston Area
Linux, Sabayon. If you are a linux fan you should really give this distro a shot.
FreeBSD is second, but only by small measures.

Windows is a pain and I dont have a Mac so no comment there.
I chose windows. Linux is nice too and would be better but gaming is kind of a pain in the ass with linux, and that is the main reason I chose windows.
Windows. Linux is good for the right application and package managers etc but I cant be arsed spending 2 days on the terminal just to get my soundcard and wireless working. like no hardware at all is ever compatible and the open source community are all up themselves

Its better for servers imho.
Windows is a very powerful OS if you know what you're doing. The same goes for Linux.

It's Windows Vista for me though. Probably the best Microsoft OS to date.
Well each OS has a function or attraction that is very good but overall for me its windows
Well i think windows is personaly the easiest to use and most of the time is stable enough . I still use XP as i dont have hardware capable of running vista well and when i used vista lite it didnt have any function i used that xp didnt have and tbh i got over the new shiny interface after a week or too and so went back to XP
One thing i do like though is mac can be very good for multimedia editing work
As for linux well it is very good , and the best thing is its free . Sometimes finding drivers can be hard but if you buy well known brands then you are more than likely able to find some after a few hours trawling the internet
but it does everything windows can do but for free . And in my experience is much more stable than windows out of the box but using some dodgy drivers off the internet can sometimes cause problems
I also think linux is good for old machinees that arent capable of running any recent windows . It is also generally more secure out of the box
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