This will make your eyes water

I was in the Prison Service years ago, & one guy had been on detached duty at a Government controlled mental institute, he was doing his rounds one evening after the patients were locked in the wards & were in bed, in the toilets he saw a penis in the trough, so he entered the ward that used that facility, & asked the patients who were by then sitting up in their beds, awake, nobody owned up, so he went round pulling the bedclothes back, & at one bed the patient was sitting in a pool of blood, [sorry about this, but Raffaz did give a warning]
They managed to stop the blood, but in those days the technology wasn't there, to sew it back on.
Gives a new meaning to detached duty :)
OUCH !!!That has got to be the craziest thing Ive ever heard, what was he ordering a peniscalarda:D lol.
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