Can I play games with people over my network?

hahah cisco pix firewall, proberly the most...well....EASIEST to get through. I got suspended from my school for getting onto the server from home ( illegally ) which is known as hacking - eeek. I got access to my files, and got access to alot more, but did not evan look at it, I just wanted to transfer some data :( Oh well, anyway, cisco..hehe. I want you do download a copy of DDfirewallhack - something like that, just google it. Stick it on disc and take it to school. Now, when you get to your school computer, log on, and pull the network cable out. Now you have a standalone computer. Cool. Run the program, press escape on the program. Ok, this has shutdown outside PIU connections on the ENTIRE network. So effectively, you have control of the whole network. Cool. Get your friend to do the same on his/her computer. Run whatever game u want to play, and just enter the ip addresses. If you do not know the IP, go to start>run>commmand>ipconfig - EXCEPT you cannot get the run line on the start menu because your head is a di*. :D So download a little bit of freeware to open it, and off you go.
lol me and my friends have been playing quake 3 arena demo over my high schools network.
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