IP Addresses / Screen Viewers?

Rugmuncher said:
hes most likely using VNC or remote decktop...

If you run the VNC daemon ( server ) on your computer, then yes if he has set a password on the VNC server then yes he can gain access and do whatever he likes.

However, if you only ran the client of VNC then i doubt he will be able to gain access via it.


He has the VNC program, and I don't have any program of that sort. He told me his VNC password and I watched and controlled his screen for a while. Then I got off of it and he changed his password. So am I in danger? If yes, what can I do about it?
If you dont have a program then what did you use to "enter in his ip and control his screen for a while"?
I didn't need the program, all I did was put some kind of an IP number plus his VNC number (?) on the address bar and it brought up a java which let me watch his screen. The address I put in the address bar was kind of like 116.9.56:5800
There was a semi colon before the last number sequence.

I didn't need the program, all I did was put some kind of an IP number plus his VNC number (?) on the address bar and it brought up a java which let me watch his screen. The address I put in the address bar was kind of like 116.9.56:5800


That is exactly what VNC does. It can be run from a seperate viewer or from the internet browser itself. The VNC Viewer connects to port 5900. The Internet Browser connects to ports 5800. He was running a VNC Server. If you:
a. block the ports of 5800 and 5900 or
b. do not run a VNC Server or
c. have a strong password on a VNC server
then you have nothing to really worry about. You are safe from this type of attack. He was merely demonstrating a show of power. He is not going to connect to your computer, unless you are running the VNC Server. VNC can be freely downloaded from http://www.realvnc.com

re:correct, to an extent

you are correct, to an extent. You are safe in the sense that he can't use VNC to access you machine, but there are other ways to gain access to a machine...but yes, because you don't have VNC installed, then he cannot gain access to your machine through VNC
it is very likely he could have gotten your ip lets say if you talk to him over the aim then he could be using a packet sniffer like ethereal and could get your ip easily
re: ip address

What are you talking about? Who cares about getting the ip address? He was talking about someone putting a ip into a box and bringing up the computer with nothing involved. That is not hacking, that is a display of false power.

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