Question on displaying HTML with JavaScript

Mike Anthony

Solid State Member
United States
I'm design a website for my company with the 960 grid system. That's probably not important.

What I want to do is have a navigation bar, and when you click on of the buttons, the HTML would change below the nav bar. So basically the page would be changing without actually changing the page.

Anyone know some code for this? I'm pretty new to programming and haven't gotten into JS yet.

Would something like this work:

Nav bar: - page 1 - page 2 - page 3 -

Pages 1 2 and 3 being buttons.

Would something like this work?
"if page 1" then variable = 1


If variable = 1, then display page 1 HTML.

I probably sounds stupid now, but would this be simple to do with JavaScript code?
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