

Solid State Member
Is it possible to have an iframe on a page with a certain site and add code to the site in the iframe?

For example say I had a page:





<iframe src="" height="1000" width="1000"> </iframe>



And I wanted to have the search field already filled out and have some javascript that would hit the search button, is it possible?
You can link to google searches...

q is the query, or search parameter, eg q=test q=test+search
hl is the host language, eg, en is english, fr is french, de is german etc etc etc...

to make it automatically filled with javascript I think you'll have to use document.write to contsruct the page and make the target of the iframe variable...
I know you can link to google searches :p

It was just an example, but I meant sorta forms in general.

I'll try the other thing you said.
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