Website Lock


Beta member
I need a program that will not allow any visitor to my website to right click on the pictures and save them on to their computers. Indirectly.... a WEBSITE LOCK..... Please help me out with this one....thanks!!!!
That cannot be done. Sure there are javascript scripts that try to disable right clicking, but it just doesn't always work. for example, in firefox, the scripts used for internet explorer don't disable the menu, they just pop up the box. Also if a user sees that your site has a javascript script disabling right-clicking, all he or she would have to do would be to disable javascript in his or her browser and bingo, no lock. If all else fails, all he or she would have to do is google image search your site for all images, get the file name and then use wget or something to download it directly.
sure it can be done, try linking a picture from freeservers or from goecities accounts. you'll see a nice notice saying that you cannot link instead of the graphic you wanted.
I think this is something you can setup in the actual webserver. I know there arealso scripts available, they will be server side script like PHP, ASP or PERL rather than clientside virtual machine scripts like Javascript.
Ahh, I never thought of that. PHP has image functions, but I don't have the slightest clue how to use them. You might look into that.
the way I would suggest doing this is storing the image files as blobs (binary larg objects) in a database, then they cannot be linked externally as they will need to be called from the database by the page.
Now that is a good idea, I had no idea a database could store binary data. How do you insert the binary data into, say MySQL?
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