Live chat button


Daemon Poster
Hey all, My web skills are not 100% and I am using a template through a drag and drop builder program so I need someone's help in positioning a image on my webpage. See image below.

Im looking at getting the blue live help image into the red square. Atm the chat box moves with the page but i have the code for a static image.

<!-- BEGIN Comm100 Live Chat Button Code --><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><div id="comm100_ChatButton"><div id="comm100_warp"><center><div id="comm100_dvhelp"><a class="comm100_ahelp_css" href="" onclick="comm100_Chat();return false;" target="_blank" title="Live Chat Software for Website"><img id="comm100_ButtonImage" src="" style="border:0px" alt="Live Chat Software for Website" /></a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><div id="comm100_track"><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Live Chat</b></a> by <a style="color:#009999;cursor:pointer;" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('comm100_dvbox').style.display='';">Comm100</a></div></div><div id="comm100_dvbox" class="comm100_dvbox_css" style="display:none;" onmouseover="''" onmouseout="'none'"><div class="comm100_dvcontent_css"><p class="comm100_ptitle_css"><b><a href="" target="_blank" class="comm100_atitle_css" >Comm100</a> Products:</b></p><ul class="comm100_ulbox_css"><li style="display:none;" class="comm100_onelinone"> </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Customer Service Software</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" >Live Chat Software</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Email Marketing Software</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Live Help</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Email Marketing</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Live Support</a></li></ul></div></div></center></div></div><!-- End Comm100 Live Chat Button Code -->

Some tips would be great, i tried layers but as the style sheet is not linked all i see is mainly text.
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