Hi people


Wizard of Wires
It's me again...LOL

We've gone through some changes at my place. Shuffled out useless junk. Tightened up some forums and added a few more. We now have a section for beginners. But could use some help there. Some how to's and what nots.

But the big kicker is Buzz has been working on a new theme. He went ahead and put it up even though it's not finished. It's gonna be nize.

Come by and see us. Oh yeah. We've made some changes in the staff. Things have loosened up a whole lot by doing that. But come by and look for yourself...
Well new members have signed up and some old ones have departed. The place is starting to rock and roll. Drop by...
cileskot said:
i havent joiend any new forums ina a while, i think ill join
Not you again, the guy who said he will join ct, when he was a member 2 months ago :rolleyes:
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