Gain Experience in HTML


Solid State Member
Does anybody know a way I can gain experience working with HTML, Java, or Visual Basic to where I can use that experience to gain me jobs in the future since many jobs require up to 2 years of experience?

I love using these languages and I hope to build a career out of them and I was just wondering how I could get a head start on such things?

How old are you? If you're in high school, most schools offer various courses to learn about programming. That's the best way to do it, IMO. My school offers a regular computer programming class that covers C++, Visual Basic, and Java, another course that covers HTML, and AP Computer Science (AP means a college level course).

Other than that, write some programs and a website and put it online. If they get a good or bad response, that's still another way to gain experience.
If your in High School check to see if they have a HTML class or at least a computer club of some sort.
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