Which is your favorite Command Prompt and Why?


Baseband Member
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DOS. Brilliant easy syntax, it's just a case of remembering things. Doesn't take too much thinking about.

When it is running under Windows, most of the programs go to the folder C:/Program Files/<program or company name>. DOS cannot open folders with spaces in their names. So those programs can't be opened!

On the other hand, BASH can open folders with spaces in the name by putting a backslash before the space! So if you use Cygwin, shells under Windows just are not a problem (there is also a way to do it with Emacs, you can go to the folder with the executable and then do M-X shell.
DOS is a generic term.

I actually meant Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) (2k\XP). It's 32-bit, supports spaces in folder names, long file names etc.

That said, 16-bit DOS (command.com) is great too, but chugs a bit under Windows due to the emulation. Short file/folder names? Just get the first 6 characters and put ~1 on the end. Or ~2, or so on.

It's what I'm used to. Seems to me like you've set this thread up purely to slag those who don't use BASH.
malbuc87uk said:
Seems to me like you've set this thread up purely to slag those who don't use BASH.

This is not true. I made this thread to see the general feeling people have.

It was my general understanding that people who use Windows do so because they are unaccustomed to shells (command prompts) and do not see their power. It is very rare to see someone who actually knows what they are talking about and feel differently about DOS than others.

As a matter of fact, this thread has begun to serve its purpose. It has provided me with revelations and a better understanding of Windows users.

I have heard that DOS has improved greatly. I am glad to hear this.
lgrinberg I apologise for the accusation I made earlier. This thread is very valuable in that others get to air their views.
hey, what about my question!! is there any new dos out there besides freedos that replaces msdos????
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