Windows 7 - BAD CD/DVD

I have reason to believe that some Windows 7 reinstallation CDs/DVDs may be bad, or Microsoft has a bad update (whether that's caused by hackers or something else I don't know).

I'll explain how I came to my conclusion. My hard drive was freezing up, and I decided to buy a new one. When my new one arrives, I install a fresh copy of Windows and problems start to appear. Java RE, Shockwave Flash, among others, begin to crash. Files on my flash drive are slow to open. Copying times become insane. From there, I decide to test the integrity of the hard drive. I plug my old one back in, and things continue to go bad. So I plug my new one back, and I run on-Windows memtest. Results: bad. I run memtest86+ and results were good. To be sure, I plug in my friend's brand new OCZ Reaper ram, problems continue. By this point, I download BurnIn Test. It tells me my CPU is bad. So what do I do? Buy new motherboard and CPU. Everything points to them. I plug them in, install Windows on the new flash drive, and the problems persist. However, I get a new problem this time. Everything I try to install is corrupt! So now, that's where I am. I'm waiting for my friend's version of the USB Bootable installation files of Windows 7. That's how I installed it the first time. If that doesn't work, then it has to be something else. The only other component to affect this would be the PSU, which I see hard to be. Or the USB case connectors.

For the above reasons, I believe Microsoft to have released a bad CD/DVD version of Windows 7 or bad updates. If it's not that, then I have had some extremely bad luck with hardware.
Damn that sucks Joga.

Let me ask... how do you put the Windows installer on a flash drive? I need XP on my netbook.

Looks like Lowndsey needs to change his sig. ;)
Well, you want to download the version from Microsoft's website. Then you want to format your flash drive as NTFS. Copy the 7 files to the flash drive. Then you have to get the bootsect going. That's the part I'm struggling with, and my friend did that for me. I'm sure you could find a guide on Google, but all the ones I found use the bootsect from the DVD.
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