Which Version of linux?


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United States
hey i was wondering which district of linux would be best to put on a gateway 2000 from 1997 :p it's specs are P II 266MHz about 64MB of ram, 4Mb video card, and 2 4GB hardrives. the version of linux that takes up the smallest ammount of space and power would probably also be best, but also a version thats somewhat easy 2 learn linux with. your suggestions are very appreaciated!! :D please give me as much info as u can on the 1 u recommend because i would like 2 know about it before i start working on burning and installing it thanks in advance

lhuser said:
Put 192MB RAM and you'll run Suse 9.1
well i don't have that much 2 put in it...really i just wanna have a linux machine 2 play with, it's already got all 4 slots filled ^ and i don't have any extra thats big enough
would red hat or mandrake linux work pretty well?

Linux Guru said:
DSL linux would probably be the best
does DSL linux have alot of features or anything, i can't see it having much for being only 50 some MB
MooseMan said:
would red hat or mandrake linux work pretty well?

EDIT: does DSL linux have alot of features or anything, i can't see it having much for being only 50 some MB
it has the basics, not to many extras
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