Slow Internet Explorert eventually gets there.


Beta member
I have thoroughly cleaned my computer, It is fine except---when I go on Internet Explorer 8 , the system is incredibly slow but I eventually get there. What can possibly cause this problem? Help!!
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Have you tested other browsers? My personal favorite is Google Chrome, but it will at least isolate the problem to a browser issue.
IE have lots of problems with performance, really try another browser and pick preferable, the fastest - Chrome nowadays
if you wait until internet explorer 9 stable is out and it will get alot faster and better
try disabeling any addons you dont need. Delete temp files / cookies and so on. Also try running cccleaner. But you are probally better off using firefox or crome
Internet Explorer is a very fast browser. It could be because Microsoft has made IE and some of the supporting files are already loaded in the system. But the latest Firefox 4 and Google Chrome are even more faster. So, if you are comparing with them, then it will be slow but if it is slowing system, then welcome to the idiotic world of Microsoft which doesn't allow you uninstall and then install IE to you. interactive intelligence
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