How do I make a video.


Baseband Member
I have a Microsoft Xbox 360 camera that is also compatible with my PC. I'm wanting to send some video viewer mail to attack of the show, but I notice that I have to upload a video that is on my hard drive to send in; I cannot just make one up on the spot. First off, what should I look for as far as audio input devices such as microphones or headsets? Second, how do I combine the two to make a video that I can edit and look back at? If nothing else, a link to a webpage would be nice. I'd google it, but I don't know what to type into the search bar to get the proper results. Thanks.
Well.........i would use a regular microphone and and Microsoft Movie maker (im pretty sure you cam record from webcam) you should be able to record simutaneosly (dam spelling) the webcam and microphone at the same time.
neodude112320 said:
Well.........i would use a regular microphone and and Microsoft Movie maker (im pretty sure you cam record from webcam) you should be able to record simutaneosly (dam spelling) the webcam and microphone at the same time.
How can I get a free copy of this "Microsoft Movie Maker?"
Have you got Windows XP Service pack 2? it come with that,if you have got windows xp but no service pack,you can download the Service pack from the microsoft website,if you dont have windows XP,i dont think you can get it.
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