deleting files when copying


Baseband Member
Is there a way to set Windows XP so that when it overwrites folders when copying, it deletes old content that should not be there in the folder anymore?


Say I have a folder F1 that contains files a, b, and c.
Then I copy that folder somewhere else. The copy is F2 and it contains copies of a, b, and c.
Suppose I delete c from F1.
Then I copy F1 again, overwriting F2.
I find that c is not deleted from F2, even though it does contain the updated versions of a and b.

I think windows is trying not to delete files if it's not told to do so explicitely (i.e. it's only told to copy, not delete).

There must be a way to set Windows so that it does delete files from folders if the folder in question is being overwritten and the overwriting folder doesn't contain those files. Is there?
I'm pretty sure there aren't any Windows settings that will do what you are talking about. However, there are third party applications such as "BeyondCompare" that can be used to synchronize directory/file structures that are constantly being updated. Don't know of any free ones offhand...
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