Your opinions


whatever you personal feelings are towards me... (I know that you were both moderators long before I was)...

I'll ask you now, in the nicest possible way to just stop this...

Darkblade, if he is really really really pissing you off, just ignore him... it's a tried and tested method.

Lurkswithin, whatever money he may or may not have, and how he got it is of very little concern of ours, (in fact it's just none of our business), nor is how he choses to spend it...
Some of the comments you are leaving are just flame bait, nothing more, nothing less.

you are only making mess that you are going to have to clean up later.

surely you should know better? -I mean both of you.
lurkswithin said:
I have an issue with anyone that blantantly abuses the system and then cries about it when they get caught at it and whines and beggs to the boss to be reinstated..If that is Black Blade or Joe Blow really doesn't make a hill of beans to me. It isn't personal, irregardless of how it may appear.

I was asked to come here and then made a mod to help contain the garbage that was causing this site to detereate. I used almost 50 years of business knowledge and analyzed the problem. As it has been in my experience, the fastest way to end it was also the fastest way to get it back on track. Frienships and business aquaintences should not have been allowed to intervene.

As it was DarkBlade was seen to be a major contributor to this problem with his belittleing and abusive statements to other members and his over all bullying tacticts along with his so called proof, which he was caught taking out of context, to prove his points.

His continued expressions of what he is GOING to do just supports that he will continue to do the same things. It has been pointed out that he is consistant with these actions not just here but in other forums too, where it has gotten him banned.

Warnings have no affect. All he had to do was restrain his abusive actions and this would have been over a long time ago. I banned him for 3 days as a stronger action that his actions were not going to be tolerated and he wined about it and it was reduced to 1 day.

Upon his return he deliberately slapped David in the face by posting his thread about his business in the social forum.A deliberate act to solicit business in the pretense of a poll for his design work. He knew what he was doing when he posted it there.

The poll was moved and not a remark from DB about it just proves that he knew it, or he would have ranted about it as he does anything else he doesn't get away with.

No business and this is a business, should be forced to waste time and energy on having to constantly babysit a person regardless of what contributions he made in the past.
DarkBlade does have some issues, we all do. You're a Moderator - it is not personal. You do your Job, you clean up after whoever is causing a problem, and you do it until they understand or they give you a reason to ban them permanently. You do not keep grudges, you do not sit there and moan about what people have done. DarkBlade has done some stupid things, most of them you weren't here for, and we cleaned it up, I still talk to him, I still go on his other Forum. It is a Community, not a Business, and people are people. They do things, you forgive them, and it goes on.

I don't know how you define a Forum, but it really is a Community, not a Business. Friendships are what make this Forum. Without them, it is a boring place where people ask questions. Nobody would stay here and help those who want help without Friendships. The people on here make it what it is, and DarkBlade brings a different edge to the Community, like Root does, like you do, and like even Giancarlo did. If a Moderator doesn't use Friendship, and trust, he is not a Moderator, he is a Lawyer, and useless. You help the Forum with trust and friendship and patients. Not Blocking, Deleting and Bad Mouthing.

I'm sure David can decide who is slapping him in the face. If DarkBlade felt it useful to post why he had been banned, perhaps it was useful. I didn't see it, but as the Forum's only Lawyer, I imagine you should know exactly how to keep your dislike of DarkBlade out of the equation. ;)

lurkswithin said:
No it doesn't really take a lot of money to get proof but it is a big help when one has the funding to supply the ways and means to have it redily available. . Some of these members are just kids and are really lucky to even have a computer or must share it with their whole families. Most of them don't even have the knowledge to know how to attemt to search out obscure technical statements, much less to have the books just lying around to be researched.
You are right..but it sure helps
I'm sorry, but did you seriously just Post that straight after your Businessman-like I am the best, this Forum is a Business, Strategy-Comment? You don't read technical imformation about Processors from Books, you find it on the Internet. People who share their computer with their Family, like myself, are on the Internet when they are posting, and have the time hence to prove their points. This is a Computer Forum, you can't possibly bring in the fact that people are lucky to have a Computer - it goes without saying when they're on here. It is on the Internet.

And there you have hit it. 'Most of them don't even have the knowledge to know how to attemt to search out obscure technical statements'. Business-like as you are, you should of course understand that singling somebody out because he is smart is so insanely wrong. DarkBlade, I'm sure I'm not wrong in saying, is uncommonly smart, like many people on this Forum. His ability to find proof is not down to money, he could have a 50Meg Connection and it would only be fractionally faster to find proof than on a 56k Connection. All computers are faster than the Internet, he could have my old 455Mhz and it would not slow down his ability to find Proof. Likewise I am fully capable of finding proof on my relatively cheap, family used computer, as a 17 year old, with no Computer Books to speak of, and a mere 1Meg Connection.

Less intelligent people are less intelligent, it is natural, more intelligent people are more intelligent. You cannot expect the more intelligent to not try and find proof, as is their way, because the less intelligent wouldn't be able to. Likewise, in a way you would understand, you would not expect the StockMarket Guy to not buy something that he has a lead on, just because everybody else is not smart enough to get that lead. It is the world, not even communism seeks to make everybody the same intelligence.

I'm not saying some of the things he says:
DarkBlade said:
Ok you know what, Shut up Lurks. me being rich has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, so don't bring that into this arguement. It is irrelavent and RUDE. Shove off you filthy... OMG.. if you lived next door, I would slap you! GOD!! SO RUDE!!!!!!!!!!! MY PERSONAL LIFE IS JUST THAT, PERSONAL!! SO LEAVE IT OUT OF PUBLIC DISCUSSION YOU CHILD!
that for instance, are not rude, and should be on the Forum. They should not. But attacking him as is the policy of many users on this Forum because he is Richer than us, is not couth at all.

Joe Blow!

Classic... Of course if I were to use it - it would need to be Lord Joseph Blowington, which would defeat the Joke a bit.
Lord Kalthorn said:
DarkBlade does have some issues, we all do. You're a Moderator - it is not personal. You do your Job, you clean up after whoever is causing a problem, and you do it until they understand or they give you a reason to ban them permanently. You do not keep grudges, you do not sit there and moan about what people have done. DarkBlade has done some stupid things, most of them you weren't here for, and we cleaned it up, I still talk to him, I still go on his other Forum. It is a Community, not a Business, and people are people. They do things, you forgive them, and it goes on.

I don't know how you define a Forum, but it really is a Community, not a Business. Friendships are what make this Forum. Without them, it is a boring place where people ask questions. Nobody would stay here and help those who want help without Friendships. The people on here make it what it is, and DarkBlade brings a different edge to the Community, like Root does, like you do, and like even Giancarlo did. If a Moderator doesn't use Friendship, and trust, he is not a Moderator, he is a Lawyer, and useless. You help the Forum with trust and friendship and patients. Not Blocking, Deleting and Bad Mouthing.

I'm sure David can decide who is slapping him in the face. If DarkBlade felt it useful to post why he had been banned, perhaps it was useful. I didn't see it, but as the Forum's only Lawyer, I imagine you should know exactly how to keep your dislike of DarkBlade out of the equation. ;)

I'm sorry, but did you seriously just Post that straight after your Businessman-like I am the best, this Forum is a Business, Strategy-Comment? You don't read technical imformation about Processors from Books, you find it on the Internet. People who share their computer with their Family, like myself, are on the Internet when they are posting, and have the time hence to prove their points. This is a Computer Forum, you can't possibly bring in the fact that people are lucky to have a Computer - it goes without saying when they're on here. It is on the Internet.

And there you have hit it. 'Most of them don't even have the knowledge to know how to attemt to search out obscure technical statements'. Business-like as you are, you should of course understand that singling somebody out because he is smart is so insanely wrong. DarkBlade, I'm sure I'm not wrong in saying, is uncommonly smart, like many people on this Forum. His ability to find proof is not down to money, he could have a 50Meg Connection and it would only be fractionally faster to find proof than on a 56k Connection. All computers are faster than the Internet, he could have my old 455Mhz and it would not slow down his ability to find Proof. Likewise I am fully capable of finding proof on my relatively cheap, family used computer, as a 17 year old, with no Computer Books to speak of, and a mere 1Meg Connection.

Less intelligent people are less intelligent, it is natural, more intelligent people are more intelligent. You cannot expect the more intelligent to not try and find proof, as is their way, because the less intelligent wouldn't be able to. Likewise, in a way you would understand, you would not expect the StockMarket Guy to not buy something that he has a lead on, just because everybody else is not smart enough to get that lead. It is the world, not even communism seeks to make everybody the same intelligence.

I'm not saying some of the things he says:

that for instance, are not rude, and should be on the Forum. They should not. But attacking him as is the policy of many users on this Forum because he is Richer than us, is not couth at all.

Joe Blow!

Classic... Of course if I were to use it - it would need to be Lord Joseph Blowington, which would defeat the Joke a bit.

Nicely put LK, very nicely put. I am impressed. You are truly a wiseman at 17 years of age. I commend you.
Nik00117 said:
Rule 7 I don't like. Profrane language should be allowed to a point.

Rule 09 Profane language or rude behavior in threads is not conduct we like to see. Just think of how you want to be treated and act accordingly. Remember your post is seen by young people and visitors from all over the world. Let's put our best foot forward.

ALSO: to the MODs, please don't edit this, I wasn't intentionally swearing, but rather expressing words that I feel are not all that terrible. Editting it would remove the POINT I was trying to make.
I am a very wise man :D Not a Lord just because I dug my way out of the Shadow Plane and have died 3 times, fought gods, sons of gods, and wars with odds in the thousands to one against me :D

Profone language... perhaps some should be allowed. But so little, the Rule should stay there, because we don't want to impression it is allowed. It will happen, and sometimes it is called for, song lyric for instance, then the Mods can decide. It is an all-age Forum though, and it shouldn't be allowed in any offensive way.

For instance what DarkBlade just said, is swearing, but it was for a reason. :p


We were having Honest discussion about the Rules, Feedback is what David wanted, we are giving it. DarkBlade's Post was useful, and it made a point, it did not need to be editted. I'm going to reopen this, if David wanted it closed when it got bad, he would have, it is good now, it does not need closing.
I can't admit to thinking this thread needs closing. I will not put DarkBlades comments back, out of respect for your decision, but we were talking about the Rules, David decided he wanted discussion about the rules, it should continue.


Let's not make this silly. Give a good reason why this should be closed, and I'll let you.
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