Yahoo or MSN?

Yeah - GMail has it too :D It checks whats in your e-mail and makes up advertising information based on it :D Or is that different?

I still don't know what you're talking about with a Popup Blocker? You mean Anti-Spam; like the SenderID system Microsoft has in place but Yahoo is pondering to use and AOL has refused to use?
Nah; thats cause they overstretched their Servers and they can't offer a proper Free-Service :D Maybe they've come to realise the economics behind allowing a Gig on a crap Server System.
Well if they just let people sign up randomly - they couldn't do it on the crap budget Google has, especially when you think of the Server Power and Space they need for Google and its subsiduaries anyway. A thousand people is already a Terabyte. If they were to release it freely; its into the Petrabytes in days, then... and although they won't be having people filling it up often - they need it there in case then there's the Bandwidth and everything else! Its crazy.

Even with the Stock Sell off.
I have a G-mail acct. but I can't go to the site while on AOL, it doesn't work, it works for all my friends on IE, so I don't know what to do?

Is it you HAVE TO BE ON IE?

Or what?

Anyways, I like MSN, and AIM, I haven't used Yahoo though, if I would be able to use outside Messangers (not AOL) I would totally try it out.
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