What's your stance on marijuana use?

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Have you tried marijuana before? If yes, how much or how often? If not, have you ever had the option to try it? If so, why did you refuse? Would you ever change your mind and why?
Yes, when i was in high school and my first college degree i smoked ALL the time. but it kinda got old after a while. I quit about 4 years ago now.

Do you think that it's harmful and how? (physically, psychologically)
Well it is harmful to your lungs no matter what anyone else may say. People say its not as bad as cigarette and I would really like to know why not. If you ever smoked pot and saw the inside of a pipe just picture what your lungs look like... I bet its the same or WORSE. Psychologically I think it depends on the person. I had no problem maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college the entire time I smoked pot and drank and had no problems in everyday functions, but others I know couldnt even clean up after themselves if they smoked.

Do you think it is less harmful than alcohol?
100% The effects of alcohol are permanent on your liver and the addiction rate is WAY worst. Pot can be quit at anytime no matter who you are and the effects on your lungs will go away although not totally you will see a huge difference.

If you have been high before, how do you react to it? Do you feel more relaxed? More anxious? Do you think that it makes you look at the world differently?
Again this depends on the person. I personally have ADHD (Attention defecit hyperactivity disorder) which I was supposed to take ritalin at the time which had way worse side effects than smoking pot. So I "self medicated" with pot because it calmed me down and helped me focus on my everyday things and school work. I honestly would smoke some pot and be able to do an entire school paper with no problem where as without it I wouldn't have ever started it. But now that I am older I can control myself and am on different medication that helps me focus and get my stuff done so there is no need for weed..:D

How do you associate people who smoke marijuana? If you meet someone for the first time, would the way you think about that person change if you learned that they smoke marijuana on a regular basis
I have no problem with people who smoke weed no matter the amount or the times a day. As far as I am concerned it is a personal choice and it really has no bearing on my life. If they get arrested for having pot on them while in my presence it wont hurt me any. I won't sit there while they smoke it because then I may be at jeopardy but hey if they want to do it so be it.
I tried it once and didn't feel anything. Idk, from everything I've read online it seems to be safer than cig's. If it became legal I'd do it again, but otherwise it's not for me.
I would like to know everyone's honest opinion about marijuana.

No problem.

Have you tried marijuana before? If yes, how much or how often? If not, have you ever had the option to try it? If so, why did you refuse? Would you ever change your mind and why?

No, never tried it. Never been offered it although I know people who use it and I don't think anything of it. I have never been in their presence when they're using it, either.

I would only change my mind if it were legalised and the stigma removed. The UK, particularly for government jobs, is full of stuff like declaring if you have used drugs in the last six months etc. and you lie on pain of death.

Do you think that it's harmful and how? (physically, psychologically)

Haven't done my own research but people say it's less harmful than alcohol. I'm not one to comment as I don't know but this is what people say.

Smoking of any description is bad for you in any case, lungs aren't designed to ingest smoke.

Do you think it is less harmful than alcohol?

Physical effects? Dunno.

Social effects? No. Alcohol related violence and alcohol related diseases are serious problems in this country, never heard of two stoners fighting; in fact, everyone tells me weed makes you more relaxed, giggly and placid whereas alcohol turns you into some violent machine spoiling for a fight.

If you have been high before, how do you react to it? Do you feel more relaxed? More anxious? Do you think that it makes you look at the world differently?

N/A for me.

How do you associate people who smoke marijuana? If you meet someone for the first time, would the way you think about that person change if you learned that they smoke marijuana on a regular basis?

Weed smokers aren't immediately obvious, but those I do know tend to smoke tobacco as well.

I couldn't care less if you smoke weed because I'm not directly involved.
I have not smoked, I believe it is harmful worse then alcohol That is hard to judge but I would say, Yes.
I refuse to try it. It is bad for your body, I have heard people say "it's not as bad as cigs".. That does not mean it's not f*ckin bad for you!
I have also heard people say if it grows and you don't have to do anything with it then it's probably OK..
Grow a plant, Cut it into pieces, dry the plant, and shred it smaller.
Then you have to light it on fire, trap the smoke, and inhale it... What aren't you doing to it? Just because it hasn't been chemically combined with something else doesn't mean it's good for you! Are you going to eat natural poison berries to?!

Now they next thing I am going to say it going to be looked at as bull*h*t.. But I don't judge people.
Let me elaborate on that so everyone that screams "BULL" can stuff it.
I will make fun of someone privately.
(e.g. seeing someone weird on the street and talking about it later)
I will see someone and think they are a jacka** right off the bat.
I do see someone and have my perception of them.

What I mean when I say I do not judge people. Is if someone tells me that they smoke, drink, have been abused, raped, adopted, what ever it may be I do not look at them differently.
I have friends who smoke and friends who drink when I do neither. They are still people that have other feelings and things than smoking. To me it's the same as if someone was a catholic you not liking them or thinking different of them because of it. Just.. No I don't believe that is right.
I would like to know everyone's honest opinion about marijuana.

Have you tried marijuana before? If yes, how much or how often? If not, have you ever had the option to try it? If so, why did you refuse? Would you ever change your mind and why?

I smoke marijuana on quite an extensive basis, multiple times a week. One could say I am a social user.

Do you think that it's harmful and how? (physically, psychologically)

Yes, to an extent. I certain feel myself losing mental acuity during and after smoking it. However, I have been a recreational user for quite a while now and have not seen it affect any of my major body systems. I am very cautious about my health and get regular lung/chest x-rays. Everything is in order. As for my brain, well... I receive great grades and have absolutely no problem working for prolonged periods of time. I have gone off marijuana for months at a time and my work ability neither increased nor decreased.

Do you think it is less harmful than alcohol?

I personally believe it to be much less harmful than alcohol. Alcohol causes major damage to your body and has much greater psychological impact.

If you have been high before, how do you react to it? Do you feel more relaxed? More anxious? Do you think that it makes you look at the world differently?

It makes me more relaxed and slows down my mental process to a degree. That is all. I do not operate machinery or anything while under the influence, so I would not have anything to say about that.

How do you associate people who smoke marijuana? If you meet someone for the first time, would the way you think about that person change if you learned that they smoke marijuana on a regular basis?

Nope. I go to a very competitive college and have all sorts of acquaintances. Some smoke, some don't. It is their personal choice and I am no one to tell them what to do.

That's all the questions I have but if you want to elaborate more then please do so.
I wouldn't ever want to smoke it. It decreases your IQ over a time. I would hate the time when i would forget how to put a MOBO in a pc or like forget how to put thermal paste on or to repeat my self like not being able to put a mobo in or................................................
I think there is no reason the government should pay the authorities to control it. Just legalize it and make them happy. Less taxes for cops to crack down on it. I think if people want to do that, they should be able to. It has medicinal value as well. And it's the least dangerous drug as far as I know. Not speaking from fact here. Just word of mouth.
I use to smoke weed in high school, not so much anymore.. I'll buy an 8th from time to time, just chill and relax or go disc golfing. When given the option to smoke bud or a cig.. bud is the decision I will always take ( unless its swag). I don't have a problem with people who do it on a daily basis except if you are spending the whole day with them and trying to accomplish something somewhat important, if one guy/girl gets baked they'll turn into a pos and wont accomplish anything. Sure its a gateway drug but its far safer than cigarettes.
never done it. I could have had the chance to if I wanted to, but I don't do a lot of stuff because I just don't want to.

not anymore harmful than alcohol.

same as above. Not having much experience with either I think I really don't have any room to speak on this.


I don't care if you smoke, just don't smell, or have it on you when you are with me.
I would like to know everyone's honest opinion about marijuana.

Have you tried marijuana before? If yes, how much or how often? If not, have you ever had the option to try it? If so, why did you refuse? Would you ever change your mind and why?

Do you think that it's harmful and how? (physically, psychologically)

Do you think it is less harmful than alcohol?

If you have been high before, how do you react to it? Do you feel more relaxed? More anxious? Do you think that it makes you look at the world differently?

How do you associate people who smoke marijuana? If you meet someone for the first time, would the way you think about that person change if you learned that they smoke marijuana on a regular basis?

That's all the questions I have but if you want to elaborate more then please do so.

1. yes ive tryed it a few times, 3-4 times i would say over the course of a long period of time though, and i would do it again, but not for a long time and not till a weekend.

2. Harmfull physically, yes, but in some ways it can help. Cancer, etc.

3. Less harmfull than alcohol? Depends on how much you do it.

4. YES you DO look at the world differently, you notice ALOT of details and realize how rediciulous ALOT of things are. This isnt till your "fresh baked" (time after your firist time) because you are just getting used to the fact of being high. Makes you enjoy everything too..and feel..funny.

5. Mainly everyone i see smoking weed is a complete stoner hurtin for another doobie..its rediculous. I may have done it more than once but would NEVER let myself stoop to this level
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