What kind of...

Kewl Sibelius, I've heard of that.

I have a keyboard that can act as a MIDI device. I use a program called ReNoise, which is a tracker, and can load samples to use in the tracks, and add effects and what not. I can't get used to the interface completly though. Its one of those that go down and you have to know musical timings and that to mke sure the note plays at the right time.

I used to be taught piano, but I have something that allows me not to be able to pick up things, like musical reading. I couldn't pick up the scales on the left or right hand without having to go through them on my fingers, and I tried for 1 1/2 years, and had 3 teachers...

I do play my own stuff though, and know quite a bit, so I don't mind so much.
I can also play by ear which is useful.

You play alot! :D
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