What do you like?

Re: Sticky: What do you like?

yeah, all the new simpsons episodes are starting to get lame.. either old jokes, or idiotic jokes.
Re: Sticky: What do you like?

Yeh, the writers are running very,very low on ideas.
Re: Sticky: What do you like?

now, now thats no way to speak about a classic. Even though it is getting stale.
Re: Sticky: What do you like?

Yeh I know and I love it with all my heart. But its been going for 18 years now. You cant deny that the writers are really scraping the bottom of their ideas list now. I think that its better for the show to move over with dignity than to die out a desperate cartoon trying to give more than its got.
Re: Sticky: What do you like?

hehehe, mixx i can agree with that! me and a mate tried making a VERY poor explosive last night and letting it off down the street on the road! we got a film canister and sprayed it with deoderant till there was about 10mm of liquid in the bottom then addedd thumbtacks, punched a small hole in the lid and got some cotton string and sprayed that too with deoderant so it would burn well and lit that!!!........ it flopped big time!!! see i forgot that a flame needs air so the hole in the top needed to be a lot bigger or use a sparkler to light it (of which we had none on hand) and then it just kinda burned for a while!
Then in a feeling of desperation and need for good flames, we went and got some petrol and a fair amount of polystyrine and made napalm... wasnt great but kept us up till 4am!!!!

oh and mark, i dont like people who preach that an animal life is worth more than a human life. just letting you know and i wont say more than that. not to say that what u are doing isnt a good thing, animals who have been abused need nurturing to return them back to human company in propper form again. so keep up the good work.

Jefforaby, man i dunno what u said but, it sounds like it was rather descriptive what you posted. please be aware that people here have all sorts of back grounds and prefrences and tastes and so forth and so on; think of what your mother would say before you post, and if there is any doubt about its offensive content to anyone ELSE other than the person you are writing to then leave it unsaid.

hehehe, this isnt against you personally, i was just reminded of a good quote:

It is better to remain silent and have people think that you are stupid, than to open your mouth and leave no doubt!

hehehe, i like that one! Just to lighten the mood a bit!

i still like the simpsons, but as far as content goes theyre getting low on the humour factor. not that it isnt funny, its just lacking from what it used to be.
Re: Sticky: What do you like?

Any of you living here in the US know of the new show American Daddy? It aired after the Super Bowl. It's hilarious! It was created by the creators of Family Guy, so it should be a great hit!
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