Stupid flies...

i just turn off the lghts, and they shouldnt come when the screen is turned on. I dont have air conditioning, and i just keep the screen on at nite, and then i sorta see the keyboard, lol
If theyre coming to the screen, set the setting to its lowest brightness, set up a lamp in the other side of the room
AC is very rare in England and Germany. My mom said when shse used to do the whole nanny thing she worked in some very upscale homes and none of them had AC.
There's a lot of flies around here too, they appear to come in through the door whenever I open the door to walk in (or walk out) and its starting to get very annoying, lol.
Peter Lachowicz said:
i just turn off the lghts, and they shouldnt come when the screen is turned on.

yeah, I no. I forgot to turn the lights off though
I had this fly around me one night when I was sleeping and it woke me up and kept buzzing in my ear... it kept flying around my head, it was so annoying... lol, and I couldn't really catch it because I couldn't see it (it was small) and I didn't really sleep at all that night.
This reminds me..

At work, (two nights in a row) the night maintenece guy left the doors open, and the lights on in the pool room.

Let me tell you. The pool had a new cover, and the wall had fresh paint.

It was amazing the amount of moths. Not fun cleaning up moving moths either....
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