Stupid but interesting question

Yeah that's happened once, the crying thing. But that was when I was like 5 or something. I forgot exaclty what it was, but it had something to do with like my parents not letting me do something I really wanted to do (ya know how kids are when they don't get what they want) and then I started crying and I woke up with tears and stuff, lol.
ok i have some knowledge in of this sorta stuff and the brain.

kage and david pretty much summed it up. its the brain defraging pretty much after it is crammed with information throughout the day.
as for the brain needing a rest... that isnt necessarily true, its all linked to circadian rhythms (sleep patterns-im reading a book on this at the moment) and basically the body has to follow a set pattern. this is pretty much influenced by outside stimuli like day and night, hot and cold(day and night temps) and so on. when the body naturally rests then yes the brain defrags the current short term memory storage and puts it into the long term storage.

this storage is in neuron clusters from what i understand. basically if u get stimuli from anything, say that u have no other feelings and then u get sight: everything is black but u can now see a white light. then ur neuron clusters will start firing as each one relays information about what u know of this stimuli: its bright, hurts ur eyes, what ever.

so basically when ur dreaming its the random firing of single or groups of neurons that have stored throughout the day, different information u have received from stimuli: sounds, sights, smells, all that stuff.

and yes, the focus of this book where i got all this information, was on Lucid Dreaming!!!

bascally it happens when ur close to waking up with the bodies natural cycles. sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt, it depends on how u have slept pretty much i think.

neway, as u wake up, ur conciousness will come to the fore of your processes, your awareness come out. now ur aware that ur dreaming but u can also control ur thoughts to a degree. at this point you are not aware of the outside world yet. this usually doesnt last long though, as when u dream it hapens slowly, so it may be only a minute or so in ur dream where u can control what happens, but in reality its about half an hour or so.

ill go on about lucid dreaming later though and continue with the other questions.

as for the falling feeling, i have no actual evidence to back this up, but from what i gather, it is rather close to your soul departing your body.

basically its when u become so involved in a dream that ur body forgets to breathe.

the result is that after a period of time, your natural instinctual reflexes automatically make u move to try to escape the threat of not being able to breathe, like a predator attacking your throat and u cant breathe, the body doesnt realise that it is itself the cause. there fore the heart beats faster and your all tingly and so on, the oxygen is pumping aroundur body again and the body has also gone into fight or flight mode and adrenaline has been released into your body for the need to do either. yet when you wake up, nothing needs to be done and you lay there breathing heavier than normal with a hammering pulse and tingly feeling all over.

now the alternative 'mystical' explanation is that yes your soul is being taken out, but that at the time of the jump, youre dreaming of your death and are comming close to dying. like falling off a cliff, just before you hit the ground then u wake up.

the word is that if u ever actually hit the ground then u do die. its when people die in their sleep supposedly.

now, about the lucid dreaming i was talking about before:

the book that i got all the information about the brain and lucid dreaming is called 'Caverns of Socrates" by Denis L. Mackeirnan.

it is a sci-fi/fantasy book yes. but it was done with a LOT of actual research. just reading the back few pages with his credits and so on will show just how extensive his research was.

neway, basically this book was about a super computer AI that had been created. it knew all about the human brain and how it functioned, how it was all mapped out etc, from what had been put in to it. neway, basically they induced a stake of sleep on the test subjects that didnt put them totally to sleep, but into a state of lucid dreaming.

there they partook in a test gaming experience like no other. it was real. they actually WERE the characters. there was no outside world like a computer game, where u can look away from the screen. it was the TOTAL gaming experience!!!

but there were interesting questions raised.

one is that in that reality they were in, where they knew no other reality, a place over the hill that they had just left but could no longer see: did it still exist? or was it stored in the computers memory ready to be retrieved if they turned around and came back???

the second one is related to the dying in ur dreams, and that is, what happens if they die in there? do they die out here???

hahaha, hows that essay for u all!!!!!

just a little something for u all to think on!
Oh and another thing, how come your dreams seem like they are only a couple of minutes, but then really they were a few hours?
i think its to do with the rate at which the neurons fire. if there is a lot happening the the dream goes fast, not a lot and its a slow dream. something like that.
Wow Assassin_666 I found that essay really interesting lol. I call it an essay because it was :p

'Caverns of Socrates" by Denis L. Mackeirnan. I'll have to look that up :D Thanks again
no worries mate. any time!

*feels smart for once*

Caverns of Socrates is the ONLY book that i will repeatedly read... cept for maybe The Art of War by Sun Tzu. thats a beauty!!!

neway, yeah, the first part of that book does a HEAP of explaining about how the human brain works. its bloody interesting!!!

the way that it was written it sounds like there would be a sequel, but so far i havent found anything about the sequel on it.

anything else that i can try to answer for u all???
Hehe...Its kewl your interested in that sort of thing. I will definitly have a look for it :p

The bit about the synapses firing interested me the most. Though to store images, alot of them would have to be used at once right? I don't really understand how the mind works...though I guess it is almost the same as a hard drive... (I dont know how they work either :p)
The only technology I actually understand is how old LP's and records worked. Digital just flies over my head...
Deja vu, this is an odd one as far as I'm concerned, I know that the actualy scientific explenation is that one side of your brain works slightly faster than the other side, so when the slower side actually processes what you are seeing/doing then it has a feeling that you've done / seen it before because the faster side has seen / done it, at the same time, but percieved it faster...

However I've had deja vu before where I know that I've dreamed it, basically I've had dreams that have seemed so real that I've actually thought about them once I've woken up. then later on maybee days weeks or years later the situation has actually happened.

I realise that without keeping some kind of journal of dreams (which I'm not going to do) this can't be prooved, but even so, it does seem a little weird

Lucid dreaming rocks, I liked Assassins explenation. I don't usualy remember my dreams after 30 seconds after I've woken up, but I do remember that I can actually seem to controll them, but it's only ever just before I wake up. or at least it seems to be before I wake up, though I've no idea how long since before that moment I've been doing it...

it's weird and it seems to happen al the time to me... I like it though it is cool to be in a situation that seems completly real, and then wake up and find it's not...
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