Spam + CF = Yes...

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Wow im lost what did Keith do in the 1st place..and wat is purawebs..please fill me in :)
purawebs is one of keith's sites, and the little prick hasnt got anything better to do than get his buddies to spam about it. keith was banned a while back for abuse of the report post system, as well as spam, and hes decided to make a little war with CF about it... hes a sad little boy with nothing better to do than spam an internet site. what a looser.
mark thorpe said:
purawebs is one of keith's sites, and the little prick hasnt got anything better to do than get his buddies to spam about it. keith was banned a while back for abuse of the report post system, as well as spam, and hes decided to make a little war with CF about it... hes a sad little boy with nothing better to do than spam an internet site. what a looser.

Couldn't have been said better. In a way I can understand a small bit of dissapointment and a bit of a grudge would take place in his position, but he has taken everything way out of proportion, and has dragged this out for far too long. All this because he got banned, kind of sad.
Well he did create one of the best sticky: The Desktop...but yeah he does need to let go and just leave..
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