Somehting just made my whole house shake!


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i live by gloucester england and i was just browsing Cf when my house shook. no joke the door creeked, two glasses that were side by side rattled against each other, the water in one was moving like it was a puddle on jurassic park and i could feel it through my chair. last time something like this happened was when we supposedly had a mini earthquake. wow that was really weird and spinny
Earthquakes in UK? Well, thats rather rare, isn't it? I would have guessed it was a local construction site blasting or something. Last time my house shook was when a tree fell very close to it, but before that it was a Wal-Mart development.

I get my very own Wally-World March 7th.. Yayyyy
Earthquakes in UK? Well, thats rather rare, isn't it? I would have guessed it was a local construction site blasting or something. Last time my house shook was when a tree fell very close to it, but before that it was a Wal-Mart development.

i live by gloucester which is by cheltenham where GCHQ, the main communications and listening station of the Uk is and i did think that something might of happened there but it turns out it was a 4.7 tremor
Not really related but i live in New England so there is a Gloucester not far from my house. Its cool because basically every place here can be found in England.
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