Rubiks Cube in 10.56 Sec.

Well, is fake.

Thats just to damn fast for the hands to move while the mind is thinking that fast. One cant keep up with the other.

And when he typed on the keypad, I bet that was when he was inputting his time. Because the timer was that thing he put both his hands on. The keypad is separate. It looks like he just sped up the video.
if he sped it up, it was still solved in less than 20sec. because there isnt a sing of him speeding up the orginal vid. and i doubt that you could input a time on that thing. but it didnt take him very long to figure out the algorithm to solve it, which is very complicated
he just rembered which way to turn when i put it from the completed one back to scrambled.. nothing impressive in that.. give him a proper one, which he hasnt fixed, and then i would be impressed :rolleyes:
True, he likely remembered how he scrambled it, but even so, he put it back together from memory that quickly. That is impressive, even if it's not legit to solving rubik's cubes.

However, notice that he analyzes the cube before he starts. Some of these guys have them figured out to the point they just need to look at all 6 sides for a moment, and thats it. They're hands do the rest.
yeah I guess it's not very controlled when he's got a rubiks cube setup for himself. I am hopeless at those things but wouldn't analyzing time be included in the total 'solution'?
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