Rant no.2 The Family Chronicles


Golden Master
I swear when I rant, don't like it? Don't read it.

Sorry if the grammar/punctuation is sloppy.. I'm pissed off and tired..
Heavy Metal is my Therapy.

My sister is greedy bitch. My parents pay for her gas, dental, doctor's office, etc.. and the idea of her paying for something herself just pisses her off.. if I so much as imply it, she gets really pissed at me.. and it takes some resistance to stop myself from planting my fist in her face.

My sister is easy to anger, you so much as try and correct her or tell her she is in the wrong, and you end up getting screamed at (even if she deserved to be corrected)

And heres the worst part, she is 19. Yep, 19. She still lives with the family.
My parents are too soft to kick her out.. I would.

My parents bought my entire PC, spent roughly $800 on it. We aren't super rich, but my parents reacted when I took my old PC (300mhz CPU, nuff said) and massacred it out on the patio. I told them I was just venting some anger, but I think they got the message.

Last week, I was given a $20 from them for "Not being a pain in the ass"..

My 27 year old sister moved out because she couldn't stand her.. and really, I don't blame her.

Having kind and soft parents is nice.. but it's an ugly thing to have taken advantage of.. the more I see my sister pull this kind of shit, the more I try to be less of a nuisance and more helpful to my parents... and here my sister wonders WHY I got a PC that they paid for.. and WHY I get more attention...

It hurts my brain to think about this, I hate my sister so much sometimes.. and I really wouldn't be sad to see her leave.. but even moreso I want to plant the idea straight into my parents heads... she doesn't deserve to be in our house.. she doesn't deserve this free hospitality..

I know people nicer than me who have to pay their parents rent for living in their house.. who have to buy their own food.. and pay part of the utilities bill.. yet here we have my sister.. taking advantage of some very kind people.. Fucking disgusts me.
When I turn 18 and graduate from high school.. If she still lives here.. I'm telling my parents bluntly.. either she leaves, or I do. And my parents don't want me to leave until I can easily support myself..

So what led me to type this crap? well, this just happened about 20 minutes ago from writing this:

Ok, so my sister has been dating her boyfriend for what... 4 months now maybe?
Every couple days or so, they get in some stupid argument.. most of them are QUITE similar.. heres an example.

Ok, say the boyfriend is really annoyed or is just having a bad day.. he implies or maybe even hints just a little bit that he is annoyed and would rather not talk... so my sister interprets that as he is pissed or annoyed AT HER... so she falls aparts (starts crying) and starts asking "WHY THE FUCK DONT YOU TELL ME?!"(She literally is screaming that) and it goes on and on..
She is being really bitchy, meanwhile the boyfriend tells her to calm down or to just stop or something like that... the sister is hitting a wall or a door or SOMETHING that everyone in the house can hear... so, pissed off, my mom comes downstairs and demands that this crap ends..

my sister, thinking only of herself, tells my mom it's nothing and to go away.. my mom doesn't back down that easily, telling my sister to sit down... my sister refuses... and starts screaming at my mom.. So I get pissed off (My room is literally right next to her's, where all this shit is taking place) I come out, tell her to stop, and now she is screaming at me, like this is none of my business when all this shit is going on outside my room at 11:30 at night (whilst i'm trying to sleep, damn it.)

So my mom says "Thats enough, i'm taking you home" (to the (ex?)boyfriend) and my sister insists that she takes him home, saying that my mom will ruin thier "relationship" if she does.. yet my sister is all hystarical and happens to be a REALLY shitty driver while shes like this...
she starts yelling at my mom again, (which REALLY pisses me off) so I tell it bluntly...
I tell her that she isn't fixing shit, those two have been doing this shit for the past month now, and it's no better now (in fact it's worse) than it was when it started!
She screams at me "SHUT UP MICHAEL WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS!?" and granted, I have never had a girlfriend.. but honstly, who the fuck needs to be an expert at that in order to tell a broken relationship and a good relationship apart? eh?

So being a hot headed moron, I get really pissed at her, but my mom stops me, (and for her sake only) I left the room.

Do any of you guys/gals have to deal with this kind crap?
My condolences. Glad my sister isn't a bitch like that. She gets annoying at times, but she's always been nice to me and has always been there for me when I need her.

Haha, and my sister is 26 too. We're 9 years apart. My parents don't force her to pay her own utilities, but she pays her own credit card bills etc. Why doesn't she pay utilities? Because she has her own job, she has her own car (which she bought with her own money) and she has a caring boyfriend. Living here in California, especially the Bay Area is REALLY expensive, so my parents understand that and until my sister can afford that kind of living, she just lives here at home with us. My sister is responsible and everything she does is handled herself. My parents aren't forced to deal with her bills or anything.

To be honest, I wish I was as independent as my sister. I'm 17 and hell, I'm so f-ing dependent on my parents. :(
alvino said:
To be honest, I wish I was as independent as my sister. I'm 17 and hell, I'm so f-ing dependent on my parents. :(
Thats exactly how I feel... I can't buy any of my wants due to my lack of money.. but everytime I have a need.. my parents are there for me.
MikeReiner said:
Thats exactly how I feel... I can't buy any of my wants due to my lack of money.. but everytime I have a need.. my parents are there for me.
I only had a brother, ten years older than me, he could be a pain, but I commiserate with you, so I'm ignoring your use of the "F" word, I would be using it if I had a sister like her!, 'spect you know that some females use the "time of the month" as an excuse for being bitchy?, your poor parents, they are so good, dealing with all that, but can I say that no matter how angry you were, destroying your computer was, in some way, worse than her tantrums, er, who paid for your new computer?
I sympathise with you really...

I don't agree with the idea that she's 19 and should be having to seek her own way in the world though.

I mean as much as it is your home, it is also her home, and just as your parents bought you a computer, they will buy her stuff...
and I'm not being funny, but I do see her point of view. you had an adequate computer for browsing the internet and doing work etc on, and you got pissed of and smashed it up? needless to say that I wouldn't have just gone out and bought you another computer, and as much as she does get I understand why she'd be pissed off about this.

but you are right as well, she should respect your rights to be able to sleep at night, and not be such a drama queen!
lol, I think this thread has made us all come to the realization that we all need jobs, because I too need a job because I am too dependent on my parents.. hell i'll be 18 in a week and i've never had a job in my life, and not after I graduate I need to find a job for an apartment, utilites, car insurance, and living expenses... Luckily i'll have my amazing girlfriend (soon to be fiance) to help, but still its crazy how fast all this stuff just comes at you.
Infin1ty said:
lol, I think this thread has made us all come to the realization that we all need jobs, because I too need a job because I am too dependent on my parents.. hell i'll be 18 in a week and i've never had a job in my life, and not after I graduate I need to find a job for an apartment, utilites, car insurance, and living expenses... Luckily i'll have my amazing girlfriend (soon to be fiance) to help, but still its crazy how fast all this stuff just comes at you.
Good principles, good attidude, keep it up, life will be tough from time to time, I know I've been there, but you'll be OK! "in sickness & in health"
My mother is the same way, just throw in crack and mental behavior disorders and we are right on track. Don't get in the way of the argument, and you will be fine. lol
oh, I started my weed habit bc of my mother.
tony0101 said:
My mother is the same way, just throw in crack and mental behavior disorders and we are right on track. Don't get in the way of the argument, and you will be fine. lol
oh, I started my weed habit bc of my mother.
Switch to your Achilles persona, it may help.
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