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But those extra men wouldn't be needed so less payout, no exrra benifets sould be needed.depending on how many are allowed out at a time you need 2 for one prisoner and could be up to 20+ for a larger group say 30+ inmates. Thats a lot of extra manpower needed for them to add to already strapped funding. And, what are they supposed to work on?
Repairing streets, picking up trash, build stuff, I don't know.

It's not like the death penalty takes thousands of prisoners... Maybe 10, 20 a year? An average of 2 per state?

How much poorer are the states that don't kill serial killers or rapists? How different are the taxes there?
Quite a bit. Taxes are the biggest issues here.that and more and more issues with manuel labor for prisoners. There are a lot of different groups out there that don't believe in cruel punishment. There was a sheriff over in Arizona that had a tent jail. They only got a couple of bloninga sandwiches a day with water and nothing to cool them down. Crime went down on its own. 6 guards no tv or a/c not even electric in the tent camp itself. He had lower crime and lowest costs for a prison in the country. He had that for years, but the activists put him out of office and shut down that prison.
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