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I am very much looking forward to this. Do we have any information on which studios were involved in the production?

Edit: I should have read the link. It's being produced by Frederator Studios.
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Yup. That studio always made childish looking cartoons (doesn't necessarily mean for children) to my knowledge. It's interesting how they decided on this.

Oh, since they made it 2D, I hope Konami moves its lazy rears and make a 2D game.
oh wow thanks for the share, I was a huge Castlevania fan when I was younger, Im def going to be watching this
I used to suffer from Insomnia and am now taking Trazadone. I been on that medication for years now. Without it I can't sleep at all and wake up 12 times a night feeling really warn down in the morning. That medication saved my life well being.
Celery, a few years back I had to have a wisdom tooth surgically removed. The oral surgeon gave me Vicodin for the pain which did absolutely nothing except make it so I couldn't sleep. I ended up using over the counter Ibuprofen which worked great.

I suffer chronic pain from neuropathy in my feet due to diabetes so I take Gabapentin daily for that.
If the IBU worked then the pain was from inflammation. The Vicodin don't have that anti-inflammatory property.
Well, It looks like the shots didn't do any good. I still have alot of pain in the lower back. I don't know if i want to go with the next one on my neck. Whats the use if it won't take. I've been told that the ones in the neck don't last as long. So i just don't know if i want to even do it. I do know i am getting tired of the pain! Death is looking a few floors up!
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